Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson: Dead. Farrah Fawcett: Dead.

Perez Hilton. Alive.

The world is a dark, cruel and evil place sometimes.

The day is June 25th, 2009.

Two big name celebrities- a sex icon and a the king of pop- died on this day.

R.I.P. Farrah Fawcett - Thanks for Charlies Angels, Jiggle TV and most importantly, "The Poster"(which has grown more hairy palms than any picture or poster in the world). Ill pass that poster down to every future generation to come (I had to respell that last word).

R.I.P. Michael Jackson - Thanks for the Moonwalk and Thriller. You can keep the rest with you in Heaven where there are plenty of children and hotel room balcony's for everyone. Heaven is a place where everybody has a perfect nose.

On a serious note, go buy stock in big name poster companies. That Farrah Fawcett poster will sell a bunch in the coming week.



Toph said...

Oh and Ed McMahon died two days ago. Fantastic.

Adam said...

What, no eulogy for Billy Mayes? I'm waiting!