Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Target = Fail

I went to Target the other day and pulled into a parking space. I looked at my surroundings. At this moment, I decided that dumb people shop at Target. Or that Target is a stupid place. This is why.

This was parked in the space to my right. An office chair. That makes sense.

Then this guy was parked to my left. Nice paint job and rims on this piece of shit car. What a pimp.

And my favorite was parked right in front of me. This new age hippie (and I say that in the nicest way possible) had her "OM" sticker upside down. For those of you who don't know what this sticker is, it is the symbol that is supposed to represent the "Sound of the Universe". People who meditate and Yogi's are very into this sound and symbol. You are so trendy and enlightened with your Meditative symbol that is upside down. Moron.

Target has never let me down when it comes to stupid people.


Adam said...

Awesome blog. I chuckled quite a few times.